Text Versions

Anagrammy Awards > Miscellaneous files

[A text version of the puzzle for your convenience. Simply replace the asterisks with your answers.]


Step up, first-rate people and artists! Do participate and try to solve this very engrossing quiz. Be skillful or creative. The point is to generate anagrammatic pairs of related four-letter words, e.g., a "crippled man" could be a "LAME MALE."

Sounds hard and preposterous; absurd and obscure? Some brain-boggling "suggestions" are offered to make it easier.

If completed correctly, a "message" is revealed based on these two appropriately devised key clues:

- Aside from containing a subtle ;-) signal leading towards the "message," the text in red is an anagram of all the twenty-eight answers in the red frame;

- Aside from providing "definitions" for the anagrammatic pairs, this barrel of helpful nuggets contains an apropos clue related to the superb bestseller's "message."

Rock on, probable savants! (And good luck!)

Our sweet assistant tapped and put a sassiest timekeeper (detestable rabbit!) from "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" to appear and speak.


**** **** Later than "lights out"
**** **** A unique emulsified polymer (brand name)
**** **** Strictly personal record
**** **** Shoo Siamese!
**** **** Pore over that piece, darling!
**** **** Crowned Russian celebrity
**** **** Accept a grayish brown hue
**** **** These fig leaves perhaps?
**** **** Eager prima donna
**** **** Great picks
**** **** I "Love" Ms. Morrison
**** **** Vertical support for a street sign
**** **** A solid stratagem
**** **** Ill-mannered Springfield son
**** **** Buddy
**** **** Utilized the membership fees
**** **** Awful trip
**** **** Singer Phoebe possesses
**** **** Adventurous McGregor again
**** **** F, G, A, B, C, D or E
**** **** Get a shot of the Golden Gate
**** **** Adept creative assistant
**** **** Dog's flea
**** **** A deadfall's log or rock, for example
**** **** Aggregation of friendly mountain-climbers
**** **** Use a knife on a Bosch or Bartlett
**** **** Does tattoos
**** **** A Netherlands girl
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